Hope you like the new features! We are getting ready to roll out updates for our other bots and new bots as well, So please be patient, We would love to hear feedback from you guys!
Edit: There is an issue with the update service, Once finished updating all bots the Update service should not be glitching anymore. Sorry about this, if it asks you for a update ignore it.
This is to clear up a little confusion, At the login window for KipeID, Don't login with your Email, Login with your Username. We forgot to change this and will fix this in ACBEngine 3.1 Which should be shortly. Sorry about the confusion. We still have a long way to go so give us some time to plan ACBEngine 3.0 Out and fix the issues.
Update: Updater Service Fixed Remotly, No need to update.
We will release another version of this bot shortly with ACBEngine 3.1, DO NOT LOGIN VIA EMAIL THROUGH KIPEID, USE USERNAME.