We made large changes here and there, There is still things we want to complete so give us time
We have moved our account creator bots to http://www.kipebots.blogspot.com/ but the place is till under construction, For now you may get your downloads at https://sourceforge.net/projects/kipesoft-acb/ before it gets removed and moved to Kipebots
We added new support features so we are eager to hear from you guys! We will also update our software soon just give us time! We still have a long way to go with this change.
What we changed?
of course you've seen how Kipesoft looks now so that's a big one, We are planning to update Kipesoft Community too and bring out a Wiki for our software.
We are planning to move from Sourceforge to Mega.CO.NZ To improve stability of both of our software and downloads. So this means no more OpenSource code.
We have a lot more things to change, And the website is not COMPLETELY Done
We have to make a big change for a big year
3 YEARS OF KIPESOFT. It's been a great one guys!