Hey guys! We know you didn't like Unibot because it was missing a lot of things, Had bugs, Wasn't easy to use, Etc. But we are gonna remake Unibot but instead we are calling it RubyBot Studio.
What's this you ask? If you have seen our account creator bots, They all run a engine. ACB Engine (Account Creator Bot Engine) Created by Kipesoft .INC. And we made this opened source but recently took it down due to users having to abuse the code to do malicious tasks. But we want to make it up to you by making a full software that is dedicated to making a full account creator bot, Just like ours! No programming skill required, Just some knowledge on computers to know what this and what that means, We will make tutorials, Videos, On how RubyBot Studio works and how to use it. RubyBot allows you to create Account Creator bot and compile it as a full exe file with resources next to it. This also comes equipped with a updating service, AND Easy to use tools, We are planning to release a ACBDK (Account Creator Bot Development Kit) in multiple versions so you can try out different versions of ACB Engine without having to update/downgrade RubyBot Studio
This will take a while to create so please! Give us time! We already have issues with URLBook :(
- Thanks for the Support Guys!