Server Back Up!

We brought back the servers, Try logging into your KipeID Now with your same Username and Password. Security and speed has been improved.

If you have issues signing in your account Contact us right away at, or having issues with your server. Please again, Contact us.

Server Update Tomorrow

We are gonna perform a server update tomorrow, You may run into difficulties when signing in with KipeID AS we are gonna improve the security and stability of our connections. Thanks for the support and sorry about the downtime that will occur tomorrow

Twitter Account Creator Bot Updated

Twitter Account Creator bot has been majorly updated to With the newest version of ACB Engine 3.0 Bundled in, KipeID Was brought back and more secured this time
Hope you like the new features! We are getting ready to roll out updates for our other bots and new bots as well, So please be patient, We would love to hear feedback from you guys!

Edit: There is an issue with the update service, Once finished updating all bots the Update service should not be glitching anymore. Sorry about this, if it asks you for a update ignore it. 

This is to clear up a little confusion, At the login window for KipeID, Don't login with your Email, Login with your Username. We forgot to change this and will fix this in ACBEngine 3.1 Which should be shortly. Sorry about the confusion. We still have a long way to go so give us some time to plan ACBEngine 3.0 Out and fix the issues.  

Update: Updater Service Fixed Remotly, No need to update. 
We will release another version of this bot shortly with ACBEngine 3.1, DO NOT LOGIN VIA EMAIL THROUGH KIPEID, USE USERNAME. 

ACB Engine 3.0 Released!

ACB Engine 3.0 (BETA)
We release ACB Engine 3.0 With brand new features and bug fixes, Some features are still under development and will be later added on in 3.1

What's new?
  • New Proxy Manager
  • Ads in Email Service (Helps us gain money but can be disabled if you don't want it)
  • KipeID (We improved security this time)
  • Cloud Settings (Stores your settings with your KipeID Account, Under beta, Won't be released to public yet)
  • Improved Account Manager (Under Beta, Won't be released to public yet)
  • Bug fixes
  • Right clicking the username input in Email service will bring up the option to generate a Username on the spot
  • More User agents (Including Mobile)
  • Updated JSE Engine & JSE Webkit
  • Can submit in Email Service Username input by pressing return now
  • Added a layer of security (Top Secret)
  • Improved Performance
  • Updated Installer to check the requirements
  • Removed Libfix (Remote updating causes issues and is unsecured)
  • Better icons (For the bot main icon)
  • Loading time increased
  • Fixed Rendering issues
 We will update our bots with the latest version of ACB Engine soon, Thanks for the support!

RubyBot Studio

 Hey guys! We know you didn't like Unibot because it was missing a lot of things, Had bugs, Wasn't easy to use, Etc. But we are gonna remake Unibot but instead we are calling it RubyBot Studio.

What's this you ask? If you have seen our account creator bots, They all run a engine. ACB Engine (Account Creator Bot Engine) Created by Kipesoft .INC. And we made this opened source but recently took it down due to users having to abuse the code to do malicious tasks. But we want to make it up to you by making a full software that is dedicated to making a full account creator bot, Just like ours! No programming skill required, Just some knowledge on computers to know what this and what that means, We will make tutorials, Videos, On how RubyBot Studio works and how to use it. RubyBot allows you to create Account Creator bot and compile it as a full exe file with resources next to it. This also comes equipped with a updating service, AND Easy to use tools, We are planning to release a ACBDK (Account Creator Bot Development Kit) in multiple versions so you can try out different versions of ACB Engine without having to update/downgrade RubyBot Studio

This will take a while to create so please! Give us time! We already have issues with URLBook :(
- Thanks for the Support Guys!

URLBook on Delay

We have delayed  the update to URLBook due to problems we are currently having, Don't worry we will update and fix the bugs it as soon as the library has been updated to work with GSUDime. We had issues with libraries update so now we have to reprogram the whole software to make it work with the newest version of this update. So in the meanwhile we won't fail you with creating a new software using this new library update. Please stay tuned!

Kipesoft Back Up!

We hope you like our new design
We made large changes here and there, There is still things we want to complete so give us time
We have moved our account creator bots to  but the place is till under construction, For now you may get your downloads at before it gets removed and moved to Kipebots
We added new support features so we are eager to hear from you guys! We will also update our software soon just give us time! We still have a long way to go with this change.

What we changed? 
 of course you've seen how Kipesoft looks now so that's a big one, We are planning to update Kipesoft Community too and bring out a Wiki for our software.
We are  planning to move from Sourceforge to Mega.CO.NZ To improve stability of both of our software and downloads. So this means no more OpenSource code.
We have a lot more things to change, And the website is not COMPLETELY Done

We have to make a big change for a big year
3 YEARS OF KIPESOFT. It's been a great one guys!
Keep on supporting us