Servers are back up... Well, Kinda.

Ever since Dropbox let us hanging, we tried to find another way to bring Kipesoft .INC Back up, we stumbled upon a community of developers that post their Softwares and projects, scripts and etc.. We took a look and we thought this will be perfect! So we published our software onto source forge, not only you can download our software now you can view detailed information such as screen shots, and updates of each version, you can also download an older version of the software even if a new version of the software is out! It's a page just for one software, well all of our Softwares. When you browse our library of Softwares you will have a option on downloading the software OR View more details, However it will take time to bring back up all our Softwares so only a few can be downloaded from our website, don't worry registration from source forge will not be required, when you download our software you will be directed to the direct download link on source forge and your will start automaticity after source forge selects the best and fast download mirror you can get in your location. Screen shots will be coming soon.

Big thanks to one person in Egypt that gave us a chance to bring Kipesoft back up, but bringing it up will take time, as long as your patient you will get what you want, the download page will reappear once everything is modified and setup to work correctly as told.

Thanks so much for the support.

Kipesoft .INC

As you know Kipesoft .INC is a company that is being run by only two people and that as me, (Daniel Bagheri), and Bryan. Ever since I've kinda had a situation with my PC, it's been hard to manage the company. And today our reliable file sharing source Dropbox because it has exceeded over the bandwidth of 20Gb downloads, and I know the ban will wear off soon but sooner or later the problem will continue since our company has grown (Thanks for the big support), so I declare our downloads offline for a great amount of time until we find a solution to this problem. We don't have the proper equipment such as a laptop/desktop PC since the one that hosts and manages the servers and all the data for our software and company is badly damaged to continue working, and all we have left is a smart phone and a tablet to manage and review situations but we can't fix the big problems from these devices. However it won't stop us from finding a better solution, however it won't stop you from downloading our software from other services that cared to help us host our files, you can visit Softpedia, FindMySoft, and (CNET) and you can probably find half of our softwares for free download on their website.

If you want to help us or have a solution on how we can still distribute ALL our softwares and make it easy as possible for users to download them, contact us at

However we are really sorry about this, but I now declare the official download links from Kipesoft .INC, Offline for a long time. Thanks for your support, this may be the last message we post.

- Daniel Bagheri (CEO of Kipesoft .INC, and hard working developer/manager/writer of Kipesoft .INC)
- Bryan Alfsono (Respectable writer/researcher/developer in training, AKA CO CEO of Kipesoft .INC)
- Michele Robertson (Writer of Kipesoft .INC)

Kipesoft .INC On Softpedia

Yes! You read correctly, First Kipesoft .INC is on CNET (Download.COM) then FindMySoft and now! Softpedia, I can't believe this but Kipesoft .INC is expanding quickly, and I just want to say. Thank you so much for your support,  Your feedbacks and downloads mean a lot to us. That's why we are continuing to keep this company alive and  bring you the best support and products. So without a due, you can find our products at Softpedia and download them quickly and painlessly as possible, and able to view screenshots and detailed descriptions about our products, quick update we are putting a lot of effort into a new update for task ManagerX (finally!) and Notepad Pro, and will be released as soon as we finish repairing a problem we are experiencing with our machines.

List of our products at softpedia:

Again, thanks so much for all your support and we hope you keep the support up while we are going through a tough time in bringing the best quality service for you guys without a cost.


Kipesoft is proud to present today, UniBot, the free and easy to use automated element editor for webpages, First of all. we would like to apologize for not releasing so much account creator bots for many social networks but this should cover for all the social network you could use, Since it's universal. You just tell UniBot what webpage contains the elements your gonna use, With the 11 elements UniBot can handle you can enter the elements you want to modify, then choose the element style so UniBot knows exactly how to generate text for that elements value. and when your script is done. Click run bot and watch UniBot work to compile a webscript. Once done a web browser should popup with your web page loaded. on the the left you just simply click the button that says "Run Script" and watch UniBot work under seconds.

   (Snapshot of the 80% Developed version of UniBot before it was released as finished product)
UniBot is free, and you're able to create your own scripts and save it. then compress it into a zip file and share your creations with the world. But since it's really important for UniBot to stay updated, We built in a auto update checker, Where each time you startup UniBot it quickly checks if UniBot is out of date and you will be asked if you want to be redirected to the download link so you can update UniBot to the newest version takes only a minute and does not waste your time. UniBot uses a Internet Explorer Add-On called "Web Scripter", Why? Before you even run your script. UniBot takes all the information you gave and compiles it into a WebScript and then emulates a compatible version of IE 3 (Still will work with many modern websites since it uses help of your current version of IE to render pages) where Web Scripter will work with UniBots generated web script. Once all the processes is done it shows a simple browser built into UniBot emulating IE 3 With the simple browser navigations and the Web Scripter Add-On on the left, with two tabs named "Web Script" and "About", Using the Web Script tab you will be able to run your script in a Web Script format with  a simple click of a button captioned "Run Script", with no expectations it runs instantly, And gives you the option to skip navigation so UniBot will not automatically navigate to your target web page if your having problems doing that, it also has a auto save feature where it saves your generate results in a number order text file in a directory you created when UniBot asks you if you want to use this feature before running your script. If your script encounters errors  WebScripter will show you the error message in the Web Script tab log, However Web Script will not stop after one little error and just take it as a warning and continue to your script and generate text for all of your elements then once the script is finished it will stop and will show you how much errors has been created in the processes and allows you to review them so you can fix those errors. We will soon release a Script Suite for UniBot allowing you to automaticly create accounts for many, many Social Networking services, Email Services, ETC for free download. For now we hope you enjoy this new software since it took alot of work into making this possible, The download can be found in the Automated Software's page, and soon will be released on for free download and updates with the CNET Software updater, With much love from Kipesoft .INC

Server Updates Finished!

We finished updating the servers and now Kipesoft .INC is available in more countries. and we updated our privacy policy.

We just updated our servers and including our privacy policy which can be reviewed here, this will explain how we use your information at Kipesoft .INC and what happens to the information you submit to the feedback center, We also made Kipesoft .INC Available in more countries, You can change your location here and if you like to become partners with Kipesoft you may want to check this form out. These links can be accessed from the bottom of the website page too.

Thanks for all your support guys!
 - CEO of Kipesoft .INC (Daniel Bagheri)

Server Update

We are soon gonna update our servers soon and it might be down for a while, you won't be able to download any of our products when the servers are updating so the download page will remain off limits when the update starts however you will still be able to enter our website including from the UK and India websites of Kipesoft .INC, the updates will take place tomorrow or tonight, we will keep you updated on what's going on, we don't have the correct date/time on when the update will start and how long will it take but it should take long since we are going to open up a new server that will allow you to keep your softwares up to date with our update service if you wish to download it, of course that won't be released after a few days when the servers are back up, with all love let's hope this update won't take long and nothing wrong happens.

- CEO of Kipesoft .INC (Daniel Bagheri)

Oh Bloody Hell!

Visit the official website

 At Kipesoft .INC We are taking developing software's up a notch, We are starting to create tools for IOS for repairing and fixing problems, Example our main application for BL00DYH3LL is a simple software that creates and downloads custom IPSW files that is used for bypassing restore errors caused by iTunes or if you would simply like to downgrade your device or upgrade to a version that your device supports. Really simple, when BL00DYH3LL creates your IPSW you can easily go to iTunes and hold shift and click the restore button on iTunes then select BL00DYSN0W IPSW and let iTunes do the rest.

Servers are being updated


Yes! We have closed down our update servers so that means you might or might not be able to download our programs from our website. Why did we close them down? Updates! it's healthy to update your servers daily so no outdated files are stuck in the server which will take space up.

Server updates will start at Wednesday, 9 October 2013, 10:00 PM (Canadian Time)
and estimated time the servers will be back up is Wednesday, 10 October 2013, 6:00 PM

The updates may change Kipesoft .INC Website appearance
and may change some download links for some of our softwares
allowing us to keep the bugs in our software removed.

Twitter Account Creator Bot Feedbacks

We got lot's of feedback's regarding to the twitter account creator bot bugs, and most of the users that use this bot is having this problem. So i decided to post the solutions for fixing these problems in public so everyone can fix the problems they are having without having to post a feedback, OK first bug is username is not the same when it saves, We already fixed that bug in version so all you have to do is download the newest version and install it, and it's fixed. The second bug is after updating the bot, it doesn't start. Here is what you should do, Fully delete the bot and reinstall it. Instead of going in control panel to remove the bot go to the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kipesoft
if your running a 32 bit system go to C:\Program Files\Kipesoft and look for the file called Twitter Account Creator Bot, Simply delete that file then go download the latest version from Kipesoft and install it.

Twitter Mobile Mode Bug
if you get an error saying your version of Internet Explorer is not compatible and kicks you into the mobile version of twitter or for some reason your stuck in mobile mode this fix is easy

Just by going to the address bar in the web browser remove the following text: "mobile." or "m." and then load the page

 After that twitter should work like normal again if it's still the same you should Google a solution or try installing the latest version of internet explorer or installing a different version of internet explorer

And the most common error you would get from twitter is one of these

1. "Gotta check you are human".

2. we try to deliver message to your email but it does not get delivered. Please check your email later.

Our only fix to that is use a proxy, don't create accounts that fast, wait a few minutes, contact twitter staff for support. It works for some out there and sadly it doesn't work for some. we are keeping an eye out for a fix to this bug that twitter causes. for now this is all the solution's we have to offer. most the bugs are caused because of twitter's API bugs, Sorry!

Magic Dock

Magic Dock
Bringing the magic to windows

After months of development and research our team (Kipesoft) has created Magic Dock, For those who know about the bubble task bar in Apple's computer, Mac OS. It looks cool and all but some users out there wants to have this feature on their windows computer without having to do allot of effort in setting it up or hassles into changing it into something they like. Well that's what we made. Something basic, Simple, Beautiful, Yet powerful. We would like to present to you. Magic Dock, A Free software that brings a little piece of mac into windows. You can customize it however you want and it comes with thousands of mac style icons so you can change each icon into one that you like. Here are some screenshots

Don't like where magic dock is? You can easily change that by right clicking a empty space in Magic Dock and click settings then go to the Position tab and select where you want magic dock to appear.

Don't like how the animation is when you scroll through the icons in Magic Dock? You can change that too in settings by going in the performance tab and playing with the sliders until you find the setting that you like.

Anything you change in settings makes Magic Dock look beautiful no matter what background you have. if you have a task bar or not. it looks absolutely amazing.

Don't know how it works? Watch this demo. We created a video showing all the features it includes and how to easily customize it to fit your needs

Support us if you like our software's and want us to keep up the work and keep our current software's up to date, Thanks for your support.

- Kipesoft .INC

Twitter Account Creator Bot

Did you know Twitter Account Creator Bot uses modified scripts to register you onto Twitter avoiding your personal data from being tracked? And Twitter Patched that.. They found our bot and patched it. But thanks to our developer team we fixed the problem! We apparently "Un Patched" the patch so TACB Will continue to work for years undetected, And we notice a major bug where the Username is generated different times making a invalid username for the user to login with. That problem is solved so now you can login with your generated account details on Twitter with other Browsers/Computers.. IT'S HIGHLY RECCOMENDED TO UPDATE TO SINCE THE OLD VERSION DON'T WORK ANYMORE Simply go to the Downloads page and click Automated Software's and download the latest setup file for Twitter Account Creator bot and the Setup will Update/Install Twitter Account Creator Bot.. In this version the following features and bug fixes are included

Username becomes invalid -FIXED
Twitter Patching bot -FIXED
Cookies gets destroyed when modified by user settings -FIXED

The bot now generates information faster
The bot is now smarter to detect problems and fix them
Browser now supports HTML5

Keep your Pen Drive safe

We know sometimes your data in your Pen Drives can get corrupted or damaged if not removed safely. You have to go to your Taskbar.. Find the removable devices icon right click it.. Look for your Pen Drive and remove it hoping it's the correct one.. And some.. don't bother to do that at all.. We have a solution to all the hassle. And we can ensure you.. Your data will be protected

We are currently creating a software for Windows.. So what you do is you simply install the software.. Reboot your computer after installation. As you notice there is no icon on the desktop representing the software so you can open it.. This is how it works.. Every time you start up windows.. The software we are currently developing called "Pen Drive Security" will start a program what we call "The Helper" it doesn't show in your taskbar.. It's a background process. So "The Helper" listens for drive activity. If a drive has been removed. Or a drive has been plugged in. So if The Helper detects a drive being plugged in your computer it will examine it. to see if it's a Pen Drive.. So it won't start opening mobile devices or system drivers that are plugged in your computer. So if it's a pen drive a box should pop up telling you that your Pen Drive is in a secure state. That means The Helper will be monitoring your Pen Drives Activity. If it's busy then it won't touch it so it won't end up damaging the Pen Drive. If it isn't busy then it does what Safe Removing would do expect the ejecting part.. It ensures all the contents in the Pen Drive is saved and rewrites some data in your Pen Drive chipset telling it it's safe to remove. And guess what? Only takes 2 seconds. And it does it every time it detects it not being busy. So that way when you remove your Pen Drive. your data is safe like it would be after you Safely Remove it, So what if The Helper Detects a Pen Drive being removed at the wrong moment? Pen Drive Security will tell you you removed your Pen Drive while it doing the Safe Removal processes (Without Ejection) and it left your Pen Drive at a "Corrupted State" Don't worry though. It's pretty easy to fix. All you have to do is plug back your Pen Drive and Pen Drive Security Will remember your Pen Drive so it will say "That Pen Drive was removed at the wrong time" So it will fix it for you with a 100% Guarantee recovery with all your Data right there for you like the way it was before the second your Pen Drive went into "Corrupted State" .. Please note this software is currently in development and the ideas i just presented might change over time with better features. Let us know what you think. Thanks for your support guys!

Task ManagerX Award Winning software from FindMySoft

Task ManagerX Just got rewarded 5 Stars by FindMySoft with an Amazing review i just heard in my life.. I Didn't expect Task ManagerX Would last long but...Wow... It got a reward. Thanks for your support guys :) Really Appreciate it

The Windows Task Manager proves itself to be really useful, especially when you need to close down unresponsive Windows processes or view the amount of free system memory. But despite this, the Task Manager may seem a bit difficult to use for some users and also somehow limited in features. Fortunately, there is an alternative to Task Manager, which is called Task ManagerX. 

Having a functionality almost similar to the one of the original Windows Task Manager, Task ManagerX manages to offer a more simplified interface and more features. When the program is running, an icon is placed in the system tray, from where the user can easily access the application. The first tab of the program's interface displays all running programs in real time. The information is more complete compared to the original Task Manager and the user can easily close any of the running programs with a single click. 

Besides displaying running programs, Task ManagerX can also display active processes and also show information about which of them are responsive and which are not. The CPU usage and amount of free RAM memory are also displayed, in a graphical way and also as a percent. A feature which the original Task Manager doesn't have is the possibility of displaying some real time information about the operating system, like the total run time, platform version, total number of processes, free real and virtual memory and so on. 

Another useful feature is the possibility of automatically closing processes which are not responding. In this case, Task ManagerX monitors all running processes in real time and if it detects one of them as unresponsive, it will automatically shut it down without the user's intervention.

It allows you to close any running program with a single click. Besides that, it shows which processes are not responding. Furthermore, it displays real time information about the operating system. Moreover, it can be configured to automatically close unresponsive processes.

The interface seems a bit too simple and limited and advanced users may want to have more complex features in the application.

Using Task ManagerX you can view running programs and processes in real time and easily close the ones which are unresponsive.

Thank you guys so much... For all your support.. Seriously.
Like.. My dream is coming true here because of you guys... Thank you

- Kipesoft CEO

Their review:
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FindMySoft FeedBurner:
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Bot Manager

I Don't know if this is gonna be a good idea to you guys but i find it a pretty good idea..

See we want to create a program called "Bot Manager" Same design and stuff as the Bots we make but. With Bot Manager. Your allowed to easily install and keep up to date with the bots we make. Like.. Example

You install Bot Manager on your computer without other bots we made installed.. You run Bot Manager and you see a simply clean but beautiful User Interface presenting all the bots we made. One click on the bot you get a menu of what you do. you can either install it. What that does it downloads a special setup file made for Bot Manager. and once that's done by it self it runs the setup file extracting all the needed files. then when that's done it brings you back to the home screen giving you a new option to either Run the bot or, Repair it (If something goes wrong with it) or Update it (To the latest version that's up the server)

Bot Manager is simple. Safe and free. and can help you keep up to date to the latest updates and bug fixes in our bots...

So what you guys think? Does you guys think this would be useful to you guys? And we should make it and publish it?

We Give, We Help

Having Troubles with our service/products? We can help!
If your having troubles our service/products and don't know what to do or think we need to improve our software with the things you guys need. There's always the support page. You can easily fill out the form and submit it. It will be sent to Kipesoft for review and we will see what we can do and reply to you personally. This also helps us to improve the quality of our products. So need help or think we should improve something? Or just want to suggest a software? Go to the support page (: you will find links to forms that you can fill out regarding to your situation/reason to contact us

Facebook Account Creator Bot

The bot is out! For free! Download it now c: PLEASE NOTE That while we were developing we found a few bugs that was coming from the Facebook Signup page. THIS IS NOT THE BOT'S Fault it's Facebook so if you notice any bugs from the Facebook signup page report it to Facebook not us!

Facebook Account Creator Bot
Generate Facebook Accounts under seconds! This bot generates convincing information but not real! To register you onto Facebook without any errors. It's easy to use and fast!
Download Was Deleted, Visit the Downloads page to get the new download link,|V1.0.0.0

Servers Updated!

We just finished!
We just finished updating our servers and the automated updater will be released soon. You will notice your download getting faster and our products improved. Thank you for your support! We worked hard to bring you the best quality service c: We also hope you like the new website design!

- Kipesoft .INC CEO & Development Team

RediffMail Account Creator Bot

Not sure about a service that asks for your email?
Problem solved.

About This Product
Instead of giving out your real email address to sign up for a service that COULD Spam you or just create a account using real or fake information yet wasting your time. Why not quickly generate a email address under seconds with this software and use it to sign up for that service. If that service does not spam you you can later apply your real email address

Still not convinced?
Here is a preview using this software on Windows XP SP3 With nothing else installed but .NET Framework 4.5

We hope you enjoy this free software Support us by donating if you want more soft wares like this
- Kipesoft .INC