Did you know Twitter Account Creator Bot uses modified scripts to register you onto Twitter avoiding your personal data from being tracked? And Twitter Patched that.. They found our bot and patched it. But thanks to our developer team we fixed the problem! We apparently "Un Patched" the patch so TACB Will continue to work for years undetected, And we notice a major bug where the Username is generated different times making a invalid username for the user to login with. That problem is solved so now you can login with your generated account details on Twitter with other Browsers/Computers..
IT'S HIGHLY RECCOMENDED TO UPDATE TO SINCE THE OLD VERSION DON'T WORK ANYMORE Simply go to the Downloads page and click Automated Software's and download the latest setup file for Twitter Account Creator bot and the Setup will Update/Install Twitter Account Creator Bot.. In this version the following features and bug fixes are included
Username becomes invalid -FIXED
Twitter Patching bot -FIXED
Cookies gets destroyed when modified by user settings -FIXED
The bot now generates information faster
The bot is now smarter to detect problems and fix them
Browser now supports HTML5