Kipesoft Privacy Policy

Kipesoft .INC Website privacy policy
When you visit the Kipesoft website some of your actions you do on our website are tracked in order to help Kipesoft keep track of site traffic. Your tracked by the pages you visit in Kipesoft and the location you are in (Country only), However whenever you submit a feedback or leave a comment in our website the following information you have entered will only be shared to us. and this information will not be sold to other companies however the following information you submit will be shown in public when you submit a comment such as your name/username and the date that you posted your comment in, however when you submit a feedback all submitted information will never be shown to public or any other company it will only be shown to staff member's in Kipesoft that has authority to view feedback's and manage them

Feedback Privacy Policy
To submit a feedback to Kipesoft you must go to the contact page and complete the contact form with required details. However the information you submit in a feedback must be valid in order to receive any support, Any information you submit will be sent to a high authentication server (SSL (TLS 1.0)) that will be reviewed by staff that will contact you back if necessary regarding to your feedback, Your submitted information will never be shared with anyone but staff members who has authority to view feedback submissions

Submitted Information
Kipesoft will never share any private information you share through our website/products however we are not responsible if you publicly submit your information on a comment/post etc, So be careful what you post because once you post something we cannot do anything about what other people do with your information

Publishing Our Software in another website
You must not publish a modified copy of our software and you must contact us for permission before publishing our software to see if we approve it. Your email must contain the website the software is going to be published to and the name of the publisher (you). We have the right to decline the permission for any reason and blocking redirects from your publishing website if needed.