We've updated! What's new?
As you may notice it's been around 2 weeks or so that we have been changing Kipesoft and we moved from Kipesoftinc.blogspot.com to Kipesoft.com! Many changes has been made and we are excited about our future projects! This was all thanks to Alin Hucea (Look at his amazing work here) And we couldn't have done this without help from Mohammed Alaa, Bryan Alfsono. Great people!
So we moved KipeID and our Updated service to another server, That means we've also updated ACBEngine to 3.1 With included bug fixes. SO AS OF 2015-03-09 WE ARE DISCOUNTING ACBENGINE 3.0 AND BELOW, SO ANY ACCOUNTS CREATED IN 3.0 OR BELOW WON'T WORK ANYMORE, INSTEAD WE'VE MOVED THEM TO ANOTHER SERVER SO PLEASE UPDATE YOUR BOTS! YOUR ACCOUNTS WILL STILL BE ACCESSIBLE THROUGH 3.1+... (Download the latest version of our bots from our downloads page and you'll be good) IF YOUR ACCOUNT ISN'T WORKING FOR SOME REASON, PLEASE CONTACT US AT OUR CONTACT PAGE AND WE WILL RESTORE IT. OTHERWISE ACB ENGINE 3.0 AND BELOW WON'T WORK WITH KIPEID ANYMORE AND INSTEAD 3.1+ WILL BE UPDATED TO WORK WITH KIPEID AND OUR NEW SERVER. So don't worry, Your accounts were just moved, and ACB Engine 3.0 and below won't be able to use KipeID anymore as we moved it to our new server. So update your bots (Which they use 3.1) And you'll be good
Another thing is that downloads are hosted at our server so we also updated our update service so now every time you get a update it will actually download it to your desktop instead of opening a web page of the download. :P
We are currently working on huge projects right now so we apologize if there is any inactivity! But i assure you, your support is still valid to us. But please use our forums too for solutions..
Well, Thanks for the support guys! Peace!