As i was saying I'm going to bring out a new service to help improve support and stability for big softwares only, The service is called Kipesoft Service, Kipesoft Service requires an account (Kipe ID) Which is only created in our software that uses the Kipesoft Service library, Kipesoft Service takes full care of the software by monitoring software crashes & errors and asking you if you want to send the cause of the error to kipesoft so we can quickly make a patch for it if possible to improve software performance, And allows you to quickly send feedback without the need of a email account or a form to another web page, just your Kipe ID, As well as automatic updates, WHICH Does not require a secondary program, just the one you are using, Example (You closed Facebook Account creator bot, before the program is completely closed it checks for a update and downloads it and installs it for you so it will be ready the next time you open the software) Of course I'm going to add settings on how automatic updates will be managed but creating this service will take time, And more time that i will be working on the account creator bot suite AND patches for Facebook account creator boot's problem, And i hope i won't let you guys down so I'm going to be working hard lately so it might be a good time to start asking my questions via email because i might respond much quicker, Once again thanks for all the support guys.
- Kipesoft CEO