Firescripts helped in by Creating LibFix V1.0 And causing our bot to work again, Surely facebook is keeping an eye out so we are gonna keep updating LibFix remotely, So if you see any bugs report it to us, For now enjoy Facebook Account Creator Bot V1.0.0.3
Facebook Account Creator Bot Updated!
Facebook Account Creator bot was updated to fix the email bug, It looks like Facebook created a new Anti-Bot Engine, Making our bot, Dead.
Firescripts helped in by Creating LibFix V1.0 And causing our bot to work again, Surely facebook is keeping an eye out so we are gonna keep updating LibFix remotely, So if you see any bugs report it to us, For now enjoy Facebook Account Creator Bot V1.0.0.3
Firescripts helped in by Creating LibFix V1.0 And causing our bot to work again, Surely facebook is keeping an eye out so we are gonna keep updating LibFix remotely, So if you see any bugs report it to us, For now enjoy Facebook Account Creator Bot V1.0.0.3