
Kipesoft is proud to present today, UniBot, the free and easy to use automated element editor for webpages, First of all. we would like to apologize for not releasing so much account creator bots for many social networks but this should cover for all the social network you could use, Since it's universal. You just tell UniBot what webpage contains the elements your gonna use, With the 11 elements UniBot can handle you can enter the elements you want to modify, then choose the element style so UniBot knows exactly how to generate text for that elements value. and when your script is done. Click run bot and watch UniBot work to compile a webscript. Once done a web browser should popup with your web page loaded. on the the left you just simply click the button that says "Run Script" and watch UniBot work under seconds.

   (Snapshot of the 80% Developed version of UniBot before it was released as finished product)
UniBot is free, and you're able to create your own scripts and save it. then compress it into a zip file and share your creations with the world. But since it's really important for UniBot to stay updated, We built in a auto update checker, Where each time you startup UniBot it quickly checks if UniBot is out of date and you will be asked if you want to be redirected to the download link so you can update UniBot to the newest version takes only a minute and does not waste your time. UniBot uses a Internet Explorer Add-On called "Web Scripter", Why? Before you even run your script. UniBot takes all the information you gave and compiles it into a WebScript and then emulates a compatible version of IE 3 (Still will work with many modern websites since it uses help of your current version of IE to render pages) where Web Scripter will work with UniBots generated web script. Once all the processes is done it shows a simple browser built into UniBot emulating IE 3 With the simple browser navigations and the Web Scripter Add-On on the left, with two tabs named "Web Script" and "About", Using the Web Script tab you will be able to run your script in a Web Script format with  a simple click of a button captioned "Run Script", with no expectations it runs instantly, And gives you the option to skip navigation so UniBot will not automatically navigate to your target web page if your having problems doing that, it also has a auto save feature where it saves your generate results in a number order text file in a directory you created when UniBot asks you if you want to use this feature before running your script. If your script encounters errors  WebScripter will show you the error message in the Web Script tab log, However Web Script will not stop after one little error and just take it as a warning and continue to your script and generate text for all of your elements then once the script is finished it will stop and will show you how much errors has been created in the processes and allows you to review them so you can fix those errors. We will soon release a Script Suite for UniBot allowing you to automaticly create accounts for many, many Social Networking services, Email Services, ETC for free download. For now we hope you enjoy this new software since it took alot of work into making this possible, The download can be found in the Automated Software's page, and soon will be released on download.com for free download and updates with the CNET Software updater, With much love from Kipesoft .INC

Server Updates Finished!

We finished updating the servers and now Kipesoft .INC is available in more countries. and we updated our privacy policy.

We just updated our servers and including our privacy policy which can be reviewed here, this will explain how we use your information at Kipesoft .INC and what happens to the information you submit to the feedback center, We also made Kipesoft .INC Available in more countries, You can change your location here and if you like to become partners with Kipesoft you may want to check this form out. These links can be accessed from the bottom of the website page too.

Thanks for all your support guys!
 - CEO of Kipesoft .INC (Daniel Bagheri)

Server Update

We are soon gonna update our servers soon and it might be down for a while, you won't be able to download any of our products when the servers are updating so the download page will remain off limits when the update starts however you will still be able to enter our website including from the UK and India websites of Kipesoft .INC, the updates will take place tomorrow or tonight, we will keep you updated on what's going on, we don't have the correct date/time on when the update will start and how long will it take but it should take long since we are going to open up a new server that will allow you to keep your softwares up to date with our update service if you wish to download it, of course that won't be released after a few days when the servers are back up, with all love let's hope this update won't take long and nothing wrong happens.

- CEO of Kipesoft .INC (Daniel Bagheri)