Looking for volunteer's

Kipesoft .INC Is a non-profit organization, So we are only looking for volunteers to work with Kipesoft, You will not get paid.

We are looking for people who volunteer in Kipesoft, Currently we have a lot of upcoming projects under development it would be a great help if you were to help too! Don't worry you don't necessarily have to be a computer geek to help out.

Grammar/Spelling corrector
In our programs we are bound to make spelling/grammar mistakes, So if your that type of person who is great with grammar and spelling in the English Language, Please review below for what roll you want to play in when Volunteering at Kipesoft .INC
  • Grammar/Spelling correcter for Software
  • Grammer/Spelling correcter for Website
  • Grammer/Spelling corrector for SourceForge projects

Facebook poster
If you are a Social person at Facebook and would like to be a Administrator for our Facebook page for just posting on our Facebook page whenever you feel like, Then this job, if for you i guess.. Currently accepting at least 3 people, but must have at least a Facebook account to do this job.

Forum Moderator
A Simple job for a simple person, Simply moderate the forums and delete posts that break the rules of Kipesoft Community

Audience Promotion
Every business needs an audience, To support them, Use their products, Etc.. If you know a good way into boosting our audience, Social pages, It would be a great help for Kipesoft .INC Since the point of us creating software for public use is for Someone to actually use them.

Now, Developing is a huge thing at Kipesoft, You can volunteer into developing if your experienced in creating programs for other Operating systems, Software's, Mobile platforms, Please review the list below if your developing skills meet the requirements

  •  An average amount of knowledge of VB (Visual Basic)/C# (CSharp)/C++ (C Plus Plus), for Windows
  • The knowledge of XCode for iOS/Mac related software's (Sorry i really don't know much about Mac programming)
  • User Interface software programming for Linux operating systems
  • Skill of HTML Programming/Scripting or web design
  • Skill of Mobile Website designing (HIGHLY IN DEMAND)

Now if you fit the requirements above for volunteering at Kipesoft And want to contact Kipesoft .INC?
Please reefer to emailing us a kipesoftteam@gmail.com and telling us what do you want to volunteer in and what role you want to participate in if they are listed and give us a good reason why you want us to accept you

How did you find out about Kipesoft?
Online portfolio of you
Other skills

Also don't forget to subject your email as "Volunteering Request" so when we are looking for Volunteering it will be easy for us to find your email.

Juicy PNG Released!

Who doesn't like juicy PNG files?
If you own a iOS Device and explore it's filesystem via SSH you know how it feels like to have trouble editing/viewing compressed PNG Files, Juicy PNG allows you to Decompress iOS PNG Files, and then when your done you can compress it again. It's that simple!

We are going to use a random PNG File that is compressed from the Twitter app
And as you can see i try to open it raw with with a popular image viewer program but no luck, even if i opened it with Window's default photo viewer it will just show it blank. Sadly there are not a lot of programs that can view this type of image.


When opening it with PNG Juice it loads a preview almost instantly and with just a click of a button it will decompress it into a PNG File that can be opened with a lot of image viewers/editors and then when done repeat the steps and compress and done! just like how it was before but with your changes! It's incredible!  More updates will come through as Apple updates IOS 7, Juicy PNG Currently supports almost all iOS Version and XCode compressions, Thanks for all the support guys!